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Benefits of workplace wellness

Healthier employees → increased employee productivity → Increased profits

Do we have your attention yet? We thought so...

This article from Insurance Business Canada touches upon something we’ve spoken about before. It’s important to us, but it’s also more important to your employees, current and potential.

The topic, of course, is workplace wellness, specifically what you as an employer can do in terms of offering a more wellness-focused workplace and, in turn, healthier, more engaged, and more productive employees … all of which have a positive impact on your company’s bottom line.

According to an RBC poll, “94% of working Canadians are more likely to work for a company that cares about their overall health.” Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment, wouldn’t we all rather work for a company that cares about us?

Allstate Canada recently won the Goodlife Fitness Health & Wellness Leadership Awards for the 3rd year in a row. Their secret, nothing revolutionary … their “healthy workplace strategy is baked into the company’s overall strategic framework.” Allstate has a “four-pronged wellness approach that focuses on the physical, nutritional, financial, and mental health of their employees.” While they do this, in part, because they’re really nice people, they also do this because it benefits their organization.

In an increasingly competitive hiring marketplace, give yourself the advantage of an amazing workplace wellness program and attract the best talent out there. We know you’d want to work somewhere that had one.


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